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The NNBA Board of Directors

The Northern Nevada Bluegrass Association was founded in 1978.  The Board of Directors has always been an all-volunteer Board.  Terms of office are 1 year, but Board members can run for re-election as often as they want.  It is hoped that all members of NNBA might take at least a 1-year turn on the Board, as each new member brings great ideas, new eyes, fresh energy and unique skills.  That is the greatest strength of our Board!   

Our State Charter requires us to elect seven Board Members each year.  Once elected, the Board members decide amongst themselves who will do what.  Four Officer positions are decided on (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary), and their duties are described in our By-Laws (located here).  The remaining three positions are "open for discussion" -- some of these positions over the years have been things like, Logistics Coordinator, Activities Coordinator, Educational Coordinator, Potluck & Social Activities Coordinator, Arist Liason, etc.  All Board Members are requested to assume a leadership role for the annual Bowers Bluegrass Festival, which is held each August.  

The NNBA Board holds one Meeting each month that typically lasts about an hour and a half.  Board Meeting Minutes are kept by the Secretary and made available to the public online (click here to view)  Meeting topics involve making plans and decisions about the many events that NNBA offers.  


Occasionally, additional "Ad Hoc" meetings are scheduled, for instance, when we migrated to new membership software, we all brought our laptops to a meeting so we could learn the program together.  

The NNBA Board of Directors is a congenial group, we enjoy talking about Bluegrass music and coming up with ideas for events to organize, building new audiences for shows and bringing new members to our organization.  

If you're interested in joining our Board, we invite you to submit a brief form that will put your name on the ballot.  The Board Elections are held each year in Febrary, at our Annual Meeting (which is also a Potluck and a Jam Session).  Click here to view the form.  Any questions, contact


NNBA's mission is simple -- provide information, instruction, performances and support to the Bluegrass and Traditional music community in northern Nevada.

NNBA is a 501c3 nonprofit Arts & Education organization,

and donations may be tax deductible.


P.O. Box 3177

Reno, NV 89505

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© 2024 by Northern Nevada Bluegrass Association

A 501c3 Arts & Education Organization

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